The Muny 2018
St. Louis Theater Circle Award - Outstanding Costume Design
Directed by Denis Jones
Choreographed by Camille A. Brown
Set Design by Edward E. Haynes, Jr.
Costume Design by Leon Dobkowski
Lighting Design by Rob Denton
Video Design by Greg Emetaz
Wig Design by Leah J. Loukas
photos by Phillip Hamer and Eric Woolsey

James T. Lane as SCARECROW, Danyel Fulton as DOROTHY, Jared Grimes as SCARECROW and Darius de Haas as LION

Maltz Jupiter Theater 2015
Directed by Andrew Kato
Choreographed by Jennifer Werner
Set Design by Paul Tate DePoo
Costume Design by Leon Dobkowski
Lighting Design by Paul Black
Projection Design by Brad Peterson
Wig Design by Gerard Kelly
photos by Linnea Bailey and Paul Tate DePoo

Brenda Braxton as GLINDA, Trick Wiltez Jones as TINMAN, David LaMarr as SCARECROW, Trevor Dion Nicholas as LION, and Destinee Rea as DOROTHY